Sunday, April 28, 2013

The End of an Era...

Greetings everyone,

            I want to use this post to reflect on my recent struggles with one of my classes, multivariable calculus. You could say that mathematics and I have somewhat of a love-hate relationship with each other. Last semester I was actually feeling rather fond of math and even considered the idea of pursuing a math minor. I was taking linear algebra at the time, which was refreshingly different from all the trig and calculus that had been crammed into my brain in the prior few years. Linear algebra deals mostly with vectors and certain sets of vectors called “vector spaces” and the axioms by which they must abide, as well as linear transformations (functions between two vector spaces) and some interesting aspects of matrices, determinants, and eigenvectors and eigenvalues. I’m sure much of that last sentence was completely foreign to many people, and, in a way, that’s the point. Linear algebra was so new and different and brought some excitement into my math life.

            As I said, this semester I am taking multivariable calculus. It has been a very harsh reminder